Playing Together BNB In 2022 Is A Vibe -

 can't believe it's been over a year since i first looked at a bnb game that really defines the old saying something is so bad it's good and the video that seemed to explode back then i mean damn we are now in 2022 and while everyone is probably still playing elden ring or convincing themselves that this new horizon game was worth the ps5 buy price here i'm checking togetherbnb still an unfinished game and something i'm still not sure if it's supposed to be hunting sim, dating sim, cooking sim, or just some awful combination of all these things, you came at the right time, now summarizing what you missed up to this point should not be too hard basically togetherbnb is a quest simulator where you play as a dude named james who inherited a bnb from your missing brother a bnb that has three attractive women staying in it pretending you... go again i won't be able to woo them now must You only pay attention up to this point, you spent more time running around collecting their groceries and shooting local wildlife more than anything else, however, that was for that first early version of the game I was playing like over a year ago which was actually quite naked and relied on players to play themselves considering it only lasted about two to three hours otherwise but now here we are a year later wiser and with less hair and apparently the campaign is almost complete with all tons of new features added which ironically actually made the game worse. I mean when you upgrade something that's so bad it's good but not good enough to be good it just gets bad [music] nevertheless you can bet there will be something of value here with a weird and wild world together bnb i mean different what the hell am i still doing here you show me i would be right

im glad before i go too far i also want to mention this video is sponsored by steelseries these guys make really good keyboards gaming mice gaming pads and headsets now i am using apex 7 keyboard i have rival 5 mouse not to mention this is a huge prism fabric with led lights and i am very excited to offer a discount on all these products along with everything else in their catalog to get these discounts really easy just use the promo code g -man at checkout and you get 12 percent off your next order so you know 12 more than you'll save otherwise so head over to to get started anyway enjoy the rest of the video so I'm glad you did i can say they haven't ruined the basics of what b and b come together here which is so cute you can still go outside and hunt exotic animals you can stay home and keep an eye on your roommates maybe to give them gifts you can go wine tasting or relax in your projection room watching the cinematic masterpieces our dad taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, along with conducting groundbreaking scientific experiments that society still doesn't understand, let alone about understanding that you can run on foot or drive a car which is a pretty good all-terrain vehicle, we can travel fast to places already explored, about all the missing radio towers to climb and a facility to take over, more importantly, although under this there's a story behind everything i mean there's something you at least know the characters open their mouths and often sounds like words come out i can't wait to taste more of your food i think i'm beautiful [__] could it be green did the gray baby i already changed what a plot sign and one thing is for sure man this latest update surely wont e is wasting nobody's time because as soon as the whole thing loads i get a call from a woman named isabelle who wants me to come and fix her leak g

taps and look if that's not a euphemism well then I have no idea what it is oh there's no one here and the water is running which is no shock to absolutely no one she's a beautiful woman in her twenties what i need most now he's a strong man and i don't think this character has any other purpose other than he's just another notch in our main character's belt let's do it again next time apart from that though the overall plot still seems like you're trying to find the whereabouts of your Mark's brother, but that kind of gets sidelined instead of focusing on this weird marital problem between Logan, the gun shop owner, and his wife Sophie, who is apparently cheating on him, don't worry about that [__] yes, no i can imagine why she would be cheating on you dude if it turns out the one she's cheating on is none other than one of your tenants i guess when this guy isn't standing in the pool giving off a giga chat aura he's in cavo town when dating married women i can't explain it's a big boast although considering i think the total number of married women in this city is well won i know it anyway though i go to logan's store to see, what's going on and i would love to have this guy just sleeping at the counter you know surrounded by all these guns and ammo i mean all the shop windows you don't want to fall asleep i have to say the gun shop is probably there after My favorite, ambiguously aged Emily called and now wants me to cook her a meal. This is actually one of the main new mechanics in the game that showcases a surprisingly complex cooking system that allows you to slice meat and cook vegetables or fry things and add ingredients like pepper salt broth and cooking wine or for ultimate satisfaction

criticizing this bunch of brain dead morons who may or may not be robots delicious delicious for a first try emily wants me to cook her borscht and listen i don't mind borscht it's a sour soup native to eastern europe and northern asia according to wikipedia its main the ingredient is beetroot but it can also contain cabbage, carrots, onions and potatoes as well as meat or just vegetables you know it sounds delicious but before I can make it eric holds his products hostage and makes me run around an orange orchid to 12 of these things for a client who willingly plucked oranges for me is easy and then he does his end of the bargain but he makes a really weird remark about giving me some of his secret sauce here you go secret sauce it's a bit weird right and again I don't know if that's meant to be another euphemism you have to add my secret sauce to the dish I'll get it from the warehouse [__] okay so for now I have to finish and eric's store to buy all these other ingredients and let's see here i need to buy beef mom onion carrot potato yadda yadda yadda okay simple fun enough dude i spent the whole sequence going through the grocery store like i'm actually in one in real life do you know what i mean reading the labels on the shelves to see what contains what and all that kind of stuff and i have to say this must be the most expensive grocery store in the world i mean this guy charges three hundred dollars for one potato four hundred fifty dollars for a carrot and a thousand dollars for beef is this store located in some strange commune cut off from the rest of civilization where fresh produce is something incredibly rare and hard to come by stuff I don't know judging by the shelves overflowing with supplies though I'm nice

i doubt [ __ ] in total I must have spent nearly four thousand dollars on this culinary endeavor and I mean [ __ ] man at this point just cut your losses and go to the restaurant thank you now after that I felt a little bit low in my back pocket if you know what I mean so I decided to go out and do some hunting to make up for the loss of cooking dinner for a woman who I'm pretty sure is a brainless android luckily making money at togetherbnb isn't all that hard really you need to kill some animals then turn their skins into logan for quite a bit of cash bonus and that's really what it's all about you know just one man out there alone with nature running around with an assault rifle and infinite ammo shooting innocent deer with absolutely no no precision or finesse, and then clumsily desecrate their corpses for future profit, later in the game a dialogue appears in which rhyme someone says something about animals and pretty girls imale and sexy ladies yes this is it and it really sums it up. I think together being an experience thank you for all I have to say though being on the hunt reminded me how good this game can look at times even though this has a whole unreal engine with 4 spare resources still quite a large draw range and enough decent sound to make the environment immersive and as bad as it gets i think just going out and hunting those poor animals is on a level still a bit at one point i went hunting at night and it reminded me of how effective this would be if it was a horror game it started raining and there was a heavy thunderstorm with lightning in the distance which amazingly illuminated my surroundings and even though I knew nothing was going to get me I was just on edge the whole time because I got a super scary call at that time as well phone call with a person on the other end who is acting strangely and mysteriously math

i'll be there in a few days reminds me of those old calls you used to get when you were playing sims and all i'm going to say is its not too late to put in a story here where they reveal that this whole place is a testing ground for some android nightmare factory and you are a guinea pig unknowingly sent to test how they communicate with humans and it turns out that mark was sent as a secret agent to try to slowly make you aware of what's going on and you know help you escape i don't know something like that anyway something in real life in the beginning because it sure is a confusing system it was a bit like being in a real kitchen you know what i mean like i have to check all the cupboards to figure out where the knives pots and pans are you know all these things it's like when you go to your mates house and go into all their cupboards trying to find out where they keep their cups you know now the same thing about borscht okay looks like it's a highly technical dish, all right, requiring surgical precision and fanatical attention to detail when it comes to ingredients and recipes, first you have to cut the beef into cubes which anyone with a steady hand and good eyes should be able to easy to make and then you have to fry the beef in 30ml olive oil but look i've seen enough Jammy Oliver videos on youtube to know it's not enough Jack [__ ] so let's be a little more generous how about 300 miles yeah i hope she likes very greasy food along with her cholesterol through the roof because that's what she'll get thank you next time you have to dice the veggies which seems pretty simple you just throw them all on the table and get to work chopping, it's just that I think I'm so bad at it that

the vegetables get self conscious and try to escape and then you throw that thing on the stove with some broth and cooking cream and it all starts to come together and yeah check it out it really is a fantastic feast for the senses damn and you know what all the cuts and bruises blood sweat and tears in this kitchen it all comes down to this, no pun intended, moment of truth and that's what it's all about, so you can watch a smile on someone's face as they slide into my culinary masterpiece and I don't see emily throwing up so it has to be at least edible, it tastes very authentic, you're really good, oh my god, she likes it too, you're really good and check it out [__] for four-stars not to mention 3,600 in tips, I mean this, that is almost enough to cover the bill for the meal alone now this is where it gets a little interesting as emily now gives me a location to find and hunt a new animal to kill rare black sheep zka and you must be turned on by a woman who supports the killing of endangered animals all for the sake of a good meal you see very similar to this wine tasting mini game it turns out all the girls have meals they prefer and after some cooking for them then they will give you a recipe under the hunting spot for each of these new animals you have lambs along with bears and bison buffalo that are so stupid I almost feel bad killing them after you cook after this new meal you will finally unlock new outfits like this culturally appropriated little number that emily wears crikey but the reward doesn't stop there because after the meal she continues doing this bizarre belly dance i guess as a way of thanking me where it starts to look like her boobs were possessed makes the jitter physics in these old games alive or dead look tame by comparison


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