Scorn Is A Gorgeous Nightmare

 hi guys this video is sponsored by nvidia and msi so stay till the end to find out who can get the best gaming experience with the msi gf76 gaming laptop. video where i'm actually reviewing scorn yea a game i've been following for so long i don't even have access to the email account i had when i backed it on kickstarter what year yea scorn is a game from interesting development story but that doesn't matter anymore because the whole thing is finally out and 2022 is a year that keeps surprising me, not only was I finally able to play this original E3 version for Duke Nukem Forever but also Dead Island 2 and Routine have release date and if you hadn't even told me a year ago that all these things would turn out fine I would have had to pull out a fire hose and spray your pants because you'd be a lie, a liar, pants on fire which was awful anyway after finally defeating Contempt in a four hour campaign i have to say i'm pretty happy with the software i've managed to do here, for the most part let's get one thing clear although it's not the type of game everyone will enjoy that "Gonna Leave You" will make you feel like you need you want showers and hugs when it's all over, and from start to finish it's a hopeless, depressing journey through a ruthless world that absolutely hates you but is also kind to where it's all heading, so in that respect I think that they nailed the experience like that as far as you can tell there really isn't a story to tell here and the game starts with your character the scornful guy just waking up and starting this journey through this harsh desolate world, where everything is either already dead or trying to make you dead, pretty much everything you interact with is trying to hurt you, and throughout the campaign this guy will be strict

more undeserved pain and suffering than Brendan Fraser Brendan's release has its happy ending I salute you The essence of this story is that you should be someone walking through the corpse of this fallen unnamed civilization this seems to be about a story that maybe some virus or something what wiped out these guys or maybe just like in real life it's a natural progression for a great civilization an empire that eventually crumbles and disintegrates in every other game like this you came across audio logs or get an explanatory narration, what happened contempt even though it doesn't do any of it just throws you into the game giving minimal environmental storytelling and just never bothers to fill in the blanks either way though this thing looks like HR Geiger's worst nightmare or I don't know his wet dream and despite the monotonous color palette it's still one of the most visually stunning games I've ever played in recent memory, artistically i think its just a ridiculously good looking game and one of the most creative and unique game worlds out there. I don't think I ever researched the way I described the visuals. I think it's kind of like the concept of Art In Motion mixed with some really disgusting body is hard which I can't even show here because of the nanny saying YouTube turned into performance was fine which was definitely jittery when i went into new areas and while you can change it if you really want to play it warns you right away not to do it but you know what at least still exists i will say what surprised me though there weren't as many phallic images as i expected . I mean, don't get me wrong, you'll still see an old building in the distance that looks like [ __ ], but I think that's about all it's ever made. I just made a video about some crappy Unreal Engine 5 remakes talking about all those soulless videos that look like they were mass produced to generate Sense advertising

money and going from that to playing something like that where the world is incredibly striking and just pure screenshot bait you know it was quite a contrast the alien never takes you out of this world apart from a few times when you lose Consciousness on z various reasons or if you get killed you will never have to stare at any loading screens as you enter all these new areas you can experience this seamless journey from start to finish looking down you will see your hands in your torso and interacting with items you will feel that they have a sense of purpose so it's kind of ironic how this world is so alien and hostile yet still feels so believable and life in the HUD is also minimal so as not to clutter the screen with unnecessary information like your healthier ammo counters with that information that only appears on the screen when absolutely necessary, and I mean even then it's almost as inconspicuous like a mosquito in a circus tent I think my total play time would have been at least 30 minutes less if I hadn't spent so much time staring into the distance and taking screenshots of all these weird structures so yeah dude this game looks damn good and just like your mom proves that you can still find beauty in something horribly ugly
and while it's all still solving puzzles which might be fine if you didn't have a little nightmare of colonel sanders spitting spunk all the time well the walking ones dropping out stainless chasing you or I also think the puzzles might have a bit of a stop start effect as you pass from navigating these environments to suddenly stopping at one of these puzzles and having to play with it for like 10 minutes from start to finish of the game these puzzles just feel like giant speed bumps like this one here you have to flip these fuses to make a connection all over the board i suppose and i see there are markings on these round bits but how it's all supposed to come together i really have no idea so go from exploring this amazing art environment at a really steady pace to spending 15 minutes staring at the same puzzle I don't know man, sometimes it completely kills the vibe, it'll be like matching g to an art gallery, and once you're done wandering around the Contemporary Art section, a guide to standing in front of a brick wall for 15 minutes and then banging your head on it over and over again. I guess what I mean is don't blame someone for not wanting to keep playing and I almost got to the point where I really started to wonder if it was worth throwing it all away but then I remembered a video I made going back for a game called soma a walking simulator with no shooting mechanics where even to this day I feel like I didn't give enough chances and completely missed a point it's hard for me since I did it I don't quite understand what the game is trying to do and furthermore i gave it a negative review to wrap up the whole thing it was like

also finally one of those games that really gives you a [__] gun. I'm sick of playing these games where I have to run from all the big bad monsters. I really just hope the gaming trend eventually dies out anyway basically you have a full weapon here you have a starting jackhammer which luckily you won't have to use much once you get your second weapon which is more or less a pistol this thing has a few shots before you need to reload and does a bit more damage than a jackhammer which is a good thing so you don't have to fight enemies head to toe anymore after that it's more or less like a rifle does a lot more damage than a pistol but recharges much slower as well as holding less shots you end up having what I don't know basically a grenade launcher though this thing is more related to the narrative and some puzzles rather than being something you'll be using a lot in combat contempt also has a bit of f survival terrified of the whole situation where ammo and healing items are a little limited so you really need to make every shot count for which this is where you'll end up like the items and ammo in what basically these organic vending machines are you know the best way i can describe them imagine buying a bag of chips from what looks like the inside of someone's reproductive system and yes o that's the point now not every enemy has to be killed here but there are times when your orbit is forced to fight and

miss shots aren't perfect as reloading and switching weapons is painfully slow now it's obviously by design but look i have to say if i had any of these enemies coming at me in real life i can guarantee i would reload mine guns with a little more foreign zeal started playing it with a mouse on a keyboard for the first time, but I feel like playing with a controller feels a lot more natural to start with. I mean the combat is just slow but then you spend the remaining 50 game time walking around so it felt more natural to play with the controller and removed the wrong aiming I have naturally when playing with the mouse one day I might stop playing playing PVA games like me sweating online in Rainbow Six Siege, but today is not the day, it also meant that the aiming and firing of the guns was slower and more thoughtful, and it took me an extra half second to make sure that my shots are aligned because God help me if I miss too many y shots and having to reload organic nature into all weapons is also very creative. It's kind of like you're merging different appendages and body parts when you switch weapons, and there's something subconsciously unsettling about the way things look. I can't think of too many first-person shooters that have such weapons. The opposing Force in Half-Life comes to mind, and also the weapons in the sacrifice felt like they were living in breathing, like a couple of guns in Perfect Dark, but I think that's really the point, it's just MATCHING this common phobia of quirk[__ ], even that little pouch you have that stores your healing items in your remaining ammo plays up the whole tripophobia meme that came out a few years ago which I think makes a bit of sense considering how long this game has been in development , at first everything seems a little visually confusing but once everything clicks and then for the last couple of hours when you have

plenty of ammo and enemies to kill is the absolute pinnacle of the whole experience and ends up being a strangely satisfying combat system you know even if it's pretty damn simple most enemies need nothing more than just stay out of their melee range by shooting to them from any gun you have ammo for but I think the combination of sound work and animation makes the whole thing really smooth and satisfying to play and I think it's a good example of how not every single FPS game has to have quick gun swap, dash and glory kills. I mean, listen, I like this stuff as much as the next guy, but sometimes all you need in a first-person shooter is the ability to shoot a running chicken at point-blind range with a flash gun I guess I mean too, that it's not the hardest combat system and that's also kind of funny how accessible it is to shoot considering every other element in the game is so incredibly niche and unforgivable ving and I think overall my main complaint about shooting is that i wish there was more of this, oh yeah i think its worth mentioning, don't expect any hand holding without any of these things to work when you give him a new weapon or some item other than seeing your character grab him physically, they don't give you any other clues as to how it all works or what it is all about. I mean I didn't even realize I had a health bar until about two hours into the game though to be honest it's not entirely my fault or the developers for that matter just for someone like me who is color blind, that barely visible bar in the upper left corner of the screen was almost impossible to see, so overall it's just a weird experience Despise a game that definitely won't appeal to anyone who has that weird mix of walking Sims puzzles and shooting one thing, it it definitely isn't either, at least as far as I'm concerned it's a horror movie and not for a long time I mean I'd say it's kind of

scary here and there and there are some body horror sections that will definitely make you feel uncomfortable but I don't think there is a single jump scare in the entire game and the sequence where you are being stalked by what looks like a shark is missing -hammer crossed with a stingray, never really has any sense of impending doom or Darkness score, never does any cheap jabs at the player and honestly i really appreciate that i mean it's kinda good that way that won't appeal to low hanging fruit streamers just played horror of the week for cheap views you know the same ones that have thumbnails that make them look like they are catching a cactus with their anus what is definitely a depressing experience though set in a cruel and merciless world, and ends with a feeling of cruelty and mercilessness if you're expecting some solution or anything that even remotely it resembles a happy ending ng well so like me be prepared to be disappointed your characters are a clean slate from the start as they finish the game in a very similar fashion. I think probably even worse off and I think looking back on it I don't really have a problem by that I mean definitely the tone they're going for but I think it's funny how long I've been waiting for a game like this which really made me feel like a depressed piece [__] you know unlike most days a week where i feel like a normal piece [__] i finally see a lot of people complaining about the length it took me to read just under four hours but honestly i don't think i'm going to complain about it and i think anyone who plays a game like this and expects a 10 to 12 hour long campaign is just kidding themselves, it seems like it ends right away

the time it starts to lose its appeal and honestly that's the best thing he could have done and I don't need another four hours of shooting more enemy types or solving more complex and blunt puzzles regardless of the outcome and what the rest of the world thinks i still think the app software has created something really special here and visually there really isn't another game that's so worth the wait though yes and no but honestly i'm glad i finally got to play now we just need a date the release of Bloodlines and I can finally swallow my previous words
ok so thanks for staying now let me tell you about msi gf76 laptop built for top gaming experience now there are several to choose from but recently msi sent me one with nvidia geforce rtx 3050 and 2nd gen RT cores so I threw a few games into it to see how it performed and I will say I was quite surprised by the results with games like Spider-Man Ghostwire Tokyo Remastered and God of War all running at max speed, not to mention they had an RTX benefit as well with this nvidia card it also means you can use dlss for even better frame rates and much higher fidelity you get a 17.3 inch hd screen here with a refresh rate of 240 hertz and max-q technology allows for better performance without turning it into a giant brick, or with dedicated GPU and CPU thermal solutions using more heatpipes than even your mom can handle, it means you spend performance doesn't come at the cost of overheating the whole rove roll just makes it a bit of a beast for 1080p offline gaming the gf76 also has the advantage of high resolution audio output and lossless music you know when you want to listen to tase in day so overall I think it's fucking awesome if you want to know how to get one check out the link in the video description below


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