BAND OF BROTHERS - Hell Let Loose WW2 Gameplay + First Impressions

 ah you got the weather i'm tommy i gotta say check it out boy it's nice let me look at your face you look a little sick how i look daddy's son well dive with the dolphin oh it ain't cool animation now try it yourself like crawling forward and in this fire oh my god oh dude oh [ __ ] courses are in this game i bandage i dont know how to bandage i cant believe if you do that first first clash in the whole game and kill me i cant don't use that awesome Jeep why is it off the table yes they are just there to show you the graphic why 20% of my screen is filled with chat i know yes just wondering if i think you can turn it off somehow come on ok i'm back here set the binoculars well put it down close it look at it i don't know this is let's go find the germans yeah look at the realist type john realism and cool you oh that's so weird it looks so weird your chances of this chat just disappearing from my screenit's funny it's a bit crazy innit hey you know i'm not trying to create yeah it was fun so animation has a chance professor yeah are we exhausted no it's just war it's war yeah it's definitely war oh look at it oh oh oh wobbly it's shake I have no idea what it is or what it does what it's cheap really good line of sight for yeah oh let me just check yeah it's a barrel of wine for this esport its fucking good at least it sighs at me you can't possibly get in there you're a boss too it's so stupid like it makes it addictive like no game and then just I got these giant purchases, oh is it the enemy that must be the enemy Chris, right Oh North I don't know if I'm going to shoot

beat him up duck lie down can i bend it i can banish i don't know how to bend it i have disappear my hands are holding it like he was different i was such a pain in the ass let's look at him he's dying chris tell me where your friends did the enemy good he came hence won't he finish him off I'll finish him off the car I think he's a pencil oh he moved no you can't pay someone sat down to let them read it he was here now it's there it's very strange everything west of us is there everything on of your face i remember that sun i'm emma remember i'm a member he's dead i keep getting shot vibrating bandaged it's really weird he died invincibility hack icon earn a priori oh he's dead then dude i just got fired and i'm spamming Mouse for men as if there are no skills, just kill for that matter

someone and then it's like our round is over how many kills we got like what ha ha to me you sick how can you say i understand it for 2 minutes i'm in a second all i know is true that will let loose like hell has been unleashed well why not sin satan's ass all that praise yeah it was hell at least two arrests it was scary i'll play dust germany now oh you got it , soaked tea is for you Boris, for you something, oh yeah, it's like a carabiner, yes, what do I have, I only have a gun, mate, are you kidding, oh my god, a gun bandage and what is it that I grabbed you can see what eyes mate hello it looks like a little silver box the americans will sue me i have food you will never guess what i have in this box infinity stone mate thats not what it is i am soul mate i sold ours soul stone, yes I can't, why would anyone play medic, sko ro all you can get is a gun I bet you can't even pick up a gun from anyone who knows Oh apparently my little box is morphine so I can stab you in the dick oh dude give it to me now wait what's not allowed you take morphine there are all these beautiful fields to look at ok let's run towards i don't know if like a spider inside like a knife i didn't make my body lying api that i look like his business cat that famous german soldier from marta's world you love catnip and mp40 , nice looking muffin, someone good, nice, nice looking, everyone has faces like Dean Hall, let me love you, buddy, I'm going to come to [__] Everest

south incorrectly like that evil dude from Elysium it's a poncho tentacles on me Professional [__ ] prong Christopher you [__ ] brawn you not cat feed okay we still have 20 minutes to run let it be game over this dude me means it its going to be pretty sick when these tanks and [__] drive around and break through the hedgerows there are RPGs and stuff it's got a mg42 this boy he's wrong I was a machine gunner yes how many [__] laser gun right there was a gun i don't like it that's weird that's weird in that it's ready that's cool what's really excited is ready in this light your running animation is really nice i'm like han solo definitely not a monk would anyone expect us to be run straight across this field we're a bit new to the team like they're using cover in the river guys she needs to get out here try where the boat yea steel oh god it's okay ready to die and run for another 20 minutes I have to hit a few maybe there jackie where is that stuffed chris it's clearly a fence it's an intersection Oh enemy I got it oh my god come on morphine Chris come here next to me on the ground wait I think we need more chat I can't almost see my enemy then I want you I'm a shooter, oh screen

Jacqueline that's very weird I mean you don't even hold a gun Chris Do I hold a guy with a gun one more yea we're going to the field you should be able to finish him off we need to finish a melee wipe or something like that there's no point in having a resurrected system, if you get shot twice, yeah, that should be their thing, baby Jesus, look at these poor little poor little boys here, fill Ben Nyes. I have noise from a car you don't have. I'm their support class Jack can you play great done come on Jack do your thing Nate is a grenade buddy how do I put the supply box there we go thank you all Americans on the road Chris on the other side of the wall here next to me I hope it's a bond he's on the damn rooftop Chris from work okay I texted him you got him oh yeah mate I turned him into a T pose he said oh maybe just maybe a little on you really funny no it sure was I don't know can you go out and see that chris on the rooftop and see what's up you're still here yeah it was a T post we're up here on the roof oh it's all right online it's just physics now his head is bobbing back and forth front dude the texture is so good look at that roof texture god i'm afraid chris dude the sound is so hard you can't locate where it is. I think they're here, yeah, I think they are, that sounds really weird. There's a whole firefight ahead of me and I couldn't figure out where it was. i don't like it you just can't define it all the sounds sent to me you know very well what is world war 2 right they didn't have stereo it just fell right okay then mono mono ears said one out of four heads so they argued about why Britain was run by Charles Xavier and Magneto I think Fassbender is part German right sir it would make sense why they know like cows or horses or where is the wildlife they you know

there's a war going on i don't think he's firing a light machine gun but the cows don't care [ __ ] the war do they just want to eat some grass which is the enemy i got it Oh tipos sent me as it should be dead cows and horses just to give it some atmosphere any first person shooter needs a vault system as it is for me no excuse how is this 2080 are they going to add vehicles to that chris what do you mean ok there will be tanks and jeeps so you can you think all things are in spawn yes but why can't you use that is just because it's an alpha build like the Kickstarter version I got I need to design my own tank and they bring it into the game hi nice to meet you yes hi you are an avenger yes look at my superior it's not a very good super power look at mind it's beautiful oh see oh my god now wait two minutes for no reason it just isn't t very straight south okay just here some guy hey guys we're heading towards the barn mini he run to the second squad let's push the right flank Skynet is coming like let's try the right flank yes mate okay yes I'll run through the field mate let's right flank dead dead dead dead dead dead editor standing for today when you can't get rid of the chassis oh no peg you wanna fill it for yourself yeah we really tucked in this area guys don't worry there's plenty of cover here yeah what's the plan boys what's the plan from the fucking boy you're the leader or something that's funny abel the company we're on the move watch out for the fence you can't jump over or anything they've invented our weakness you're coming down corporal sacra will revive you now with a time stone it's here brothers Bunga, look at it, just look to the left

keep it up jack i'll get to you mate okay i understand you need to hide today sir you're not dying today oh i'm getting shot at i'm in jhana i'm gonna put it in your neck you're gonna be hard to swallow for about a month and it'll be alright, alright, it's gonna have to go up your ass, hold on to my old jag, I think you really missed it. I can do anything for you mate wait don't let me go back and try again do I believe all the things you want to hear from the medic okay I'll feel better okay okay I'm coming back Jack you look kinda fucked up man Jack I got bad news I don't you don't look on yourself never just put in half yes let's go to the light mate it'll be fine, I'm going to the light


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