Battlefield 5 Combat Medic

 keep it up jack i'll get to you mate okay i understand you need to hide today sir you're not dying today oh i'm getting shot at i'm in jhana i'm gonna put it in your neck you're gonna be hard to swallow for about a month and it'll be alright, alright, it's gonna have to go up your ass, hold on to my old jag, I think you really missed it. I can do anything for you mate wait don't let me go back and try again do I believe all the things you want to hear from the medic okay I'll feel better okay okay I'm coming back Jack you look kinda fucked up man Jack I got bad news I don't you don't look on yourself never just put in half yes let's go to the light mate it'll be fine, I'm going to the light

point i mentioned i tried the old grenade trick maybe the navy would go as far as they kept a bit of a walk denis could find the one back i need to get used to turning around i dont know if you guys watched the tip video i posted yesterday, oh, hello ma'am. Hank pants is why the panther is waiting outside that was awful come on blaze walter you can do it don't resuscitate they're all dead the tank is still there oh it's right in front of my face but this advice video was was very well received i mean it wasn't really available anymore to be honest but yeah i hope we can use some of these tips and tricks already throwing grenades back and using smoke launcher sniper it should have pinned me down I don't really want to do any swearing on the guy here cool that you just lit up is it still someone here should have killed him much sooner there I don't think anyone is behind me right now because we have those flags at the end again right in the corner of course the only place which I haven't checked in every game on the battlefield I always do just so you know I always assume something is clear when you really just need to check everything on

get a grip man what build something to cover yourself hmm how am i supposed to get out of this a bit like a pickle what maybe i shouldn't run under the tank everything great of course not good i kinda fell in by maybe i shouldn't have run there but the point of this video is to be combat medic so that's what i'm going to do sometimes just need to dig deep and see if you can help some of your teammates who aren't too fond of this math builder area it really isn't that much of a cover let me tell you what we'll leave the C for now and we'll go to the barracks D this tank beautiful looking so good Wow a lot of shooting going out there like some other star wars what did i kill it with then the name okay let's go over rock again let's do some smoke war for ourselves let's see if that enough to get to the point. I hope okay, let's go, no. angle to the left oh diving I love the diver so good let's sneak a little if that's it I'd be dead by now because I inspired no get a pro I'm about to get sucked I'm telling you they're gonna be pissed at me now the mountain shot these bushes on by the way what are you doing there not following me oh you had to run in circles right as I run fair play no medics around there are a few teammates but there are many enemies at the point we'll skip that one wants to get this point but snipers like me could use a tank if you feel like pushing through here terrible recoil control major recoil control can do much better than dead night behind me yeah don't think anymore so i should improve it and i just miss it there was another guy behind it thank you my scottish voice they will know just absolutely nailed here we have to push we want to get D this is my goal now just get the flag D some potato there I can handle it make sure s i think the team knows where we are going a lot of people around and i just need to locate them what is this guy doing i think he is trying to get in through the window you just killed my teammate it was my fault i should have just kept my name on bottom of the page and I tried to finish it

I wasted too much then and once the gods weren't with me that day but I'll be a little makan I'll see and see if we can make it otherwise we lose you see you need medicine it doesn't look good what we got resident smoke it's a lot of cover go upstairs dude in the front so he just died

look at this cover look at this it's a little piece of sheet metal and wood or something dude in the top five rockets but what is it come on micah go for a bit for an hour see oh my god this is awful i hate it so much i'm so dead no the covers get tore maybe if I don't leave they won't see me shoot at me now however I've lasted this long it's crazy I got six bullets left it was crazy guys it was absolutely crazy I love it so much Wow are they reborn oh my hard work was undone and we didn't even understand what was going on and we're definitely going to lose it done it was crazy man wow that was fun I don't care we lost I just don't care the whole round was worth it at this point just that itself was brilliant i almost got 60 i didn't get the best team rest in peace guys i hope you enjoyed it through the airport battlefield take it easy i enjoyed it if you enjoyed s make a video give a like if you don't like other issue and subscribe if you want to see more i will be making comments like this for in game maps and i hope you like it so subscribe for more and see you in the next one


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