Battlefield 5 has a Giant Whale in it - NEW Gameplay + Problems

 yes it wasn't clickbait, in fact there is a huge whale in the game that looks like a big old blue whale to me so a bit of history for you. I'm back from Los Angeles now I've been to EA Play and III and still going Saturday and Sunday I have to play bf5 and some videos I've already shot maybe you've seen them but I also have loads of footage I wanted to review in this video and we'll be looking different stuff and talking about basic mechanics and some opinions and ideas based on what we now know about the game so it was nearing the end of the capture session on sunday and lars gustavsson and andreas morale who are cube developers are working on battlefield 5 came to me where i played you just talked to me about the game looking for feedback so i chatted with them for a while then lars gustavsson says to me did you find the whale yet now guys i know how much i love easter eggs so i thought i would loss usually doesn't control or joke i was circling around this kind of thing so i sat for about 45 minutes looking for a whale on this map and i didn't know if it was a night version or a day version, it just told me if you found a whale so i just stopped playing and started swimming in circles to see if i could find a whale then in the last game of the day on the night version of this map i swam in circles and here it is a whale call it an easter egg call it some artistic detail in the level but there you go a moby dick from the battlefield was found and i think it just floats up and down here like every once in a while and if you actually pay attention you can see the pacific water gushing out out of the whale gutter from time to time to give you a hint that something was coming, but I was very

surprised to discover that there was no such thing in the game but here you go there is and andreas also told me there is a skier in the mountains so naturally i was looking at the mountains to see if i could find a skier i am guessing some easter egg that it pops up every now and then you see someone skiing down the mountain and we know skiing is in the single player version of the game because they teased it in the single player trailers they released so there we have it there is a whale in battlefield 5 who knew this was going to be a long video because i have a lot to cover but theres a lot of new stuff and we will cover 3d attrition, fortification spotting while shooting all the basic ideas and just give some feedback on them so i wanted to talk about the mini first -map in this game which means detecting so if you saw in the beginning of this clip I shot a detecting player into the sky I actually jumped out of a plane and for some reason I have an mp40 I don't know c they got rid of the pilot classes they fired a flare into the sky and it covers this absolutely huge area on the mini map it gave me loads of information i mean so much info look at it in particular look at the flare on the map it just lights up everyone and gives you real time info on where they are and that seems a bit counterintuitive to me and there are a couple of questions number one should the spotting flare be so good this is the first question you can ask on one of the support archetypes as well so you can just shoot flares in the air and drop ammo and then immediately get a new one so imagine you have a few people in your team doing this you can just cover the whole map with flares spotting flares and give your whole team positions all the enemies on the map now i think this is it

counterintuitive with games that are dying so when trying to design here they did their best to remove easy 3d detection seems the only way to detect 3d now is with the gadget the rig class is using or if you get suppressed but if you can see all this info on the mini-map it doesn't miss the point anyway so look at the mini-map now just one flare in the sky from me and we have real-time info on where all the enemies are, they take a while and are just counterintuitive to me so I think what they need to do here is either weaken the radius of this spotting flare to be much smaller so you have to be a bit more accurate or just change the way it 2D sensing works so it's not real time instead you know maybe a pulse or ping every 5 seconds or so and that just gives you a general idea or a general area of ​​where the enemies are you shouldn't be getting that r opinion in this game in my op finally changed everything else towards hardcore with kill shooter no auto health regen to drop less ammo in game everything is more team play focused but you have such an easy to use gadget like this gives the players an orb and you play from the mini map again I thought they wanted to remove this from the game so I would like to see how the 2D spotting system has changed where maybe it just gives you a general idea of ​​where people are or it shouldn't give you anymore real-time updates about enemy positions as you can still play the game from the mini-map using this and I think it should require your eyes and ears more, maybe there is an argument for removing 2d detection from the mini-map altogether or even some may say the mini-map itself but i think in this game the mini-map provides a lot of valuable information that players should have such as where the cap radius is on flags or if you see those little white ic ons

on the map they are actually fortifications so you see an area on the map like this you can go and fortify it but ask for 2d spotting. I'm really not a fan of gadget like this in this game and I think it defeats the purpose of the basic gameplay design choices they've made here I think the dice really need to look at it and take a stand and decide what kind of game they're designing here or is it a half measure and are we still going to have orbs that make the game very easy and accessible or is this game going to be a thoughtful, challenging tactical game which i think is what it should be and they should remove the gadgets and orbs that one player can easily use alone to gain so much power and information i don't want to play this game if i'm on the mini map all the time it removes all flanking opportunities and will punish you and give away your position when you didn't make any mistake current 2d spotting system they have got in this game it's wrong it doesn't work and i think the dice should look at it to make a decision one way or the other so what you see now is just a nice little fragme the gameplay nt i recorded where i was pushing to the flag and eliminating people is very methodical it kinda shows the slower pace of the game i suppose i mean you can still eliminate a lot of people very quickly because ttk is so fast and people they generally run on less health as they are trying to get used to the new med system and the lack of full auto health regen but i really enjoyed just being an assault player in this game and using the stg especially being rocky that way i think it went for the whole thing through the house maybe it just broke but whatever i liked and this gun and other guns in the game now have proper single fire modes so when you are trying to fight infantry at ranges that are really useful i mean even standard tap fir e is still useful but if you want a dedicated single fire mode in games like armored pub G you know where it is really useful and this game has it now and as you can see

My point is that trying to engage people from a distance is a lot easier when you have a dedicated single fire mode like this. Now one idea I've seen since people have seen the gameplay is does this game now have a compass on the screen i'm not talking about the circular compass but the kind of linear compass you see in games like cookie and at the top or bottom of the screen , and it has all degrees listed and when you look around it actually moves so you can say to your teammate oh there's a 90 degree tank approaching over the Grenadier only to cut off very nicely while I like get the sound of this idea you must think the mask is pretty cluttered already in this game of course this is a work in progress this is pre alpha so i expect it will improve before release but also the fact that you have now contextual place in this game so instead of pressing Q to detect people you can now queue to ping stuff the map and this will let you know what you want them to know so this is how you solve this problem why I would have tell my teammates that there is an enemy at 45 degrees when i can just point to the location on the map and they can see them so cool like a compass i dont think it is needed in this game it would be useful if the game didnt it had mini-maps and no contextual places yes absolutely but i don't see those two things going away and what you're going to see here is a first person role so jump out the window it doesn't spin around because i think it would be quite disorienting so yes it is first person views but in third person you will actually see the character do a complete roly-poly when he lands now a lot of people after the first gameplay video posted have asked if i can do some footage a diving and shooting video because for whatever reason some people didn't believe me when I said it's like a second sometimes before you can shoot and I mean you can see here I'm diving and then there's about a second layer before I can pull the trigger so I just press zed to dive and lay down

and then i hold one mouse whenever i dive and you can't shoot for about a second so there won't be any stupid diving and dolphin shooting in the game and you can see that when my gun hits the center the first few bullets are actually from the left side, and then they get closer to the middle as your posture returns to normal so even after diving you're a bit off-putting now they're moving to the new in-game health system so playing the game a little more like where it is at the moment and I'm thinking that it will take a while for people to get used to because there are many times where you get hit and because you have been playing newer battle slots you just expect them to be restored to 100 HP but they are not and you go on fire and you die from a few bullets and you wonder why i died so fast well i honestly think that will change with time and i don't mind if you want to get your health back you have to get it back to me dyka or cast it for yourself as a medic or go to a resupply point I think it will reward players who are more diligent

there was certainly a 50/50 split over the new auto-regeneration. I just think people need to get used to this new system but it makes the medic class very strong because at the moment medic is really the only self sustaining class in the game because you can play alone you can lose health after getting into a gunfight you also have quite decent weapons to use and if you need ammo you can pick it up from where you kill so medics are very strong in this game at the moment and i really don't want to go back to the situation you had in bf3 where medics were by far the best antique infantry class to play. the game starts up but i think it's something the dice need to be a little careful with the mechanics of the new system like how much health is auto-recovered, okay. Watched the footage back and I think you'll always auto regenerate 35 HP I don't know if there's an upper limit to the auto regen but I imagine now we're moving on we're going to talk about fortifications as I'm still not 100% on them sure but i saw that by sunday because we have to play the game for about three hours on saturday and about four hours on sunday on sunday i saw a lot more fortifications built on the map and people used them effectively so i still believe as i said in in my previous video that we're going to use them but it's a case of letting them know where they are and also putting them in the right place to be useful so here when we were attacking or the other team was about to defend you can see that the few buildings you fully fortify are in decent tactical positions like this one here for example you can fortify the whole thing down there and i think that there's a building that's been destroyed and you can rebuild it so there's some use for that definitely in the flags and I think you see it in game modes like Frontline and Breakthrough where there's a definite line of defense that people can build will be useful, and the players

will use them look it was me and tommy from two angry players we just went around the house look at this looks cool doesn't it look like a proper defensive position they didn't have a machine gun there you could build but you could if you wanted to set up a bipod and just try it defend and there's another building right next door we thought yeah we might as well do this one now you can't shoot down fortifications but can be destroyed with explosives but look at this it looks like a decent position. machine gun position you can build from one problem i find with machine guns in battle games and just being an LMG guy who likes a bipod and just raining fire makes you such an easy target maybe yes should be but what if supp ort players who were subbed with a light machine gun or stationary could dodge and if you could dodge when you put your head down you can't shoot when you have your head down but you can dodge so if you reload your player will tilt or you can press the button to move your head down this is definitely an interesting idea for a mechanic and i am not talking about something you can spam so you can just go up down up down up in bottom I'm talking about an animation that lasts about a second or so where you hide your head behind cover and then when you want to use your pistol yes you can get shot at but if you have to hide look out you can't hold on to the machine gun but you'll look down and you won't be able to fight I fortified this position it was pretty decent and allowed us to crouch down and get some kills I just tried walling in Bank some people are still there I failed to get kills from the edge of the wall but as for the fortifications ago I th car they need to give a little more incentive for players to do them of course you can just roll points willy or not but you don't want to fall into

a situation where people will just build stuff to get to the top of the scoreboard so instead I'd like to see a system where if you fortify a flag let's say the more fortify on it maybe the longer it will take to cut off and that maybe be an interesting idea in a gamemode like break through or conquer it gives value to players who want to build stuff and be that builder so maybe add 5 or 10% flag capture time to it if it's heavily fortified and yes if enemy manage to take it over they can use these fortifications - just a thought so we've already talked about the visuals and I think we think there's a bit too much visuals going down but I had to show you this because it's just very technically impressive it looks like the snow particles in this game are physics based it's an absurd level of detail they build in the corners interact with the ragdolls as the guy r in the past you can see that it has an effect on particles which is just an insane level of detail I have noticed this on tanks - if you are looking at tanks in third person or if you are looking at someone driving around a tank in a blizzard you will see snow starting to build up on the lines and cracks in the tanks visually it's very messy and i think it affects the gameplay but on a technical level it's very impressive now and then something i didn't cover in my first video was there in support class some of the weapon archetypes you can't aim at if they're not podi you'll see some of them in a second saw this clip and someone tweeted me about it and they were pretty confused they thought i couldn't apologise, bad idea why i can't aim this gun but only at for a few archetypes there is a support weapon that can be aimed at which we would like Bren for example but I don't mind as it amplifies and we want to spec specific roles and defined playstyles within each class so if you want to be that type of defensive support player like we just talked about you

he will be better at it if you take one of these archetypes and one of these weapons. It's insanely inaccurate if you right click fire like this but if you stand on a bipod and crouch down you'll get as much laser beam accuracy as once again after the case for today just a few short clips you can see here they added exit animations from the vehicle so you won't be able to just teleport out of the vehicle anymore of course we have animated in bf1 this clip i just thought it was cool its me at the station station on tiago taking out the enemy plane and i just love how fast it falls to the ground when destroyed check it as soon as you imagine a combination of this thing falling next to you but I'm worried about rolling in this game imagine you're on such a stationary anti-aircraft that will stop someone going and reaching you and tone you down if you don't want to be fingers maybe the bones have already thought of it and some can't be towed some can't I don't know finally with we're going to see some air gameplay for you today I didn't get much but I got some because a few kills here are some interesting things they do with air gameplay I think it's much harder to attack ground targets now because there's almost no 3D blobs in the game so being an air to ground pilot is a lot harder which is good because i think the planes in bf were very strong and one of the main annoyances and complaints in bf one was that you keep getting killed by planes especially in game modes like like ops so i guess it wont be too bad in this game although i think there is a nice teamwork opportunity here if you are in a team with someone who is on the ground and you are flying in a plane they could use a ping and mark the spot where where the enemies were and that could give you a general idea of ​​where to drop the bombs or do for example the other reason why it will be more difficult now is that planes have limited ammo and will not sz already auto regenerated to drop instead they have these rings in the sky you can fly through to arm yourself not sure

if there were ones you could fly through that would completely fix the fall maybe they were but there was definitely a groan but i think if they are going to do stuff like that then they have to put on those rings you fly through far towards your deployment because in right now they are a bit out of the game and that means as a pilot you can re-equip very easily and very quickly and if there are any that give you a health pack you can recover health very quickly so you can be a constant threat for armor on the ground and infantry on the ground so if they are going to put these things i think they should put them back over the deployment zone so the planes have to actually go and fly back to their base i am not suggesting they have to land like on bf2 example and this is because of the way planes appear in this game you don't take off from the runway but i think getting ammo back and recovering health should require from you flying much farther away from the active battlefield so the pilots will have to think about it a bit more and give people on the ground some breathing space and that's all for today hope you enjoyed it if so consider adding a light that would be much appreciated thank you and also share it if anyone is looking for interesting gameplay details of battlefield 5 if you don't like it don't like it no problem comment below your feelings and thoughts are just some of the ideas and gameplay in this video subscribe if you want to see more be sure to use the notification bell and see you in the next one


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