Firestorm Battlefield 4

 hello to firestorm not that firestorm it was firestorm before it was cool actually it's the second version of the top. I suppose it's a bf4 remake they did for the second strike today we're going to have fun I play as an engineer I have one of my favorite weapons MPX may be my number one weapon honestly engineer I mean it's outclassed in certain situations but it is very good at close range, although this type of range, especially with a suppressor, is just amazing. i'm really confused that this guy just disappeared. I don't get it, maybe he was like a team change back then, but here we are, he's a beautiful looking man. It's a beautiful day outside but of course I'm playing at home because I'm dedicated to the course here though yea games won't play themselves movies won't make themselves this needs to be done oh it's smooth man I love the shooting in this game and people underneath. I don't know but don't really have a lot of fries other than that I don't have much range with this thing although it all depends on your playstyle or not when using PDW what is the best way to make the weapon you use more effective and with that of course it's about closing the distance reducing the distance what was he doing there it's a bit of a cheeky place or not thank you for your help I appreciate it bro but I hope you all have a wonderful day oh my god look at this attack helicopters in the sky tanks on the ground made Chloe Jets take off into the air, making loops, this is great and

weird button here that like fries everyone upstairs scares the mates i don't know if we'll see if we can aim for the target here without dying this is my plan now do we have a team order or something i don't think so no it means we hit the guy but we didn't kill him the engineer just stays there apparently no such crane on this level - falls to the right I can't let him live sorry dude I'm almost out of ammo I'm out of ammo what do I have I don't think I can kill this guy i have to wait for it to come close or i can try it take the kit here scout did i kill it is it still there i can't see it maybe it was killed anyway i dont know what kind of dude it is that has a paper airplane and has some c4
are there any snipers we can kill it doesn't look like so never l115 a lot of chores that's if it wasn't originally called l96 it's a thing that blows up a crane whose songs have already done it i' i'm sure it was called l96 then they had to change the name for some reason now whack this guy in the head it's a mess

trying to catch the lead is hard. I play so many games the bullets in them shoot and you start to build muscle memory when to shoot and when you should drive someone all these good things but now you play so many bullet games there everything gets confused into one big messy muscle thing I say absolute nonsense by the way what kind of well was that my death was caused by me jumping off a small ten foot wall too bad i think it was shot at me so you know and good oh god it was there time dude i don't want anything to do with him being an engineer so we could try to do a number on this tank hole did this guy not die i just got ruined by the suppression there i think we might have to drop this point let's look yeah it's gone it's gamma how we control be nice it looks like we're taking it are there any enemies there can you remove the point here let's see i don't really have range p needs a PX tank back there, if he gets a little closer, see if he runs into that grenade. I'm going to close the gap here and cross the road, the one behind it has been taken down, yeah, here, I think this building might have one run again, yeah, all that hip-shooting, cool, being very sneaky, oh, that's a shotgun which can't really be used with drugs, and it doesn't look like they're running in here. I don't want to move until the drug count is ticking again really it's this doctor dude maybe it's loud over there what the hell was someone just dropped [__] this dude I feel like I need to move and pass let's go push to keep pressure im we have a small deficit here so we need to recover some points make this bleed a little stronger and there is no vehicle i don't want to have anything to do with or am i just going somewhere here i can do some dump on these 23 not much i just cheated my position although no, he knows I'm here, I just need to rest for a while and see if

they infantry are closing in on me well i'm wondering if i could get to that building no need to cross thank you if i could get to this building that would be such a good shooting position unfortunately it's only solved the tank over there in the middle of the road but i'll tell you what we actually pushed them back here, which is good. I think when I started this round we were losing quite a bit we just hit the tail amazing and they changed it right so is it just a mobility hit or is it a one hit kill if its an RPG i dont remember we just killed you with a tank maybe these are Decapolis enemies here I stuck 'em on that stupid yellow thing and he got me with a mare's leg all that must have been a nice shot from this guy six HP I was a tank right there this tank had a really cool zeppelin airship on the side I liked that emblem but it was D cap 70 maybe the people there just fell from the sky i see how it is unbelievable absolutely unbe nice guys and we got the rest thank you very much yes you guys are the best what is it oh it's a sniper cool it also has a range finder it's a kill with one hit, there was a sniper, 300 yards, it's a little closer, wasted mail a few shots, then let's lie on our stomach, you know, this could be a nice little shooting position here, look, see z, can we make these balls count and not one carried, it's a miss. I hear someone, oh my god, I just assumed it was a teammate. i assumed it was a teammate hmm i mean fairplay he has my tags he is there a bit of revenge did he choose the weapon he is trying c4 or isnt it ok oh well there are enemies here it was a cool tap shot he still loses point doll man shotgun scouting with a shotgun i mean i admire it i think it's dude they got my tags before you know what if they want to fight for this point i'll take it saying though there's a frog foot on the runway i feel i should try to defend this point though

this dude was born here he looks like he's got his own problems i think there's a dude above them on the roof or he just looks dude don't hide like that yeah come on it's not cool hmm why are all these guys out i can fix it come on come on me calm please look at it can't inherit bugs do you just fucking love all i wanted to do is vault is all i ever wanted we made neutralizer i think it will be safe just cancel v1 how beautiful let's push today we're limiting it I see these guys there basically tennis balls going down where the range is wasting ammo this dude seems to be kept here alone there was a shot guy who wasn't a sniper at all damn it this is a stupid question oh my god this is jason bourne i just killed jason bourne sorry bourne movies end. some cover here more cover are they all the way to t up there i see you can wait till they look and do some emoto honestly whatever i try to get there this guy here with the machine gun it annoys me you guys are good , everyone else i think we' now clear unfortunately i will have to change kit what is MX floor oh no i had MX floor before this i believe in mp7. I was going to jump off and kill myself again dude you know how it is I just wanted to kill myself I'm having a little battle with this guy he killed me three times I killed him for this one do I want this do I want this I'm going for this I think I made a mistake choice there let's go to the other side here should have a target then a teammate just got killed moms boys we got a battle pack unbelievable I love this gun so much it's so cool I'll turn on unbelievable two HP medic yes thank you okay we'll chill out here because they'll be pushing us with help desk I deflected a grenade off this head I'm going in it I have to watch out for vehicles if I'm here there's a tank of course yes I called it in my medic thank you I like an attentive medic oh god I could

wait, hey, we're cool, yes, I had to reload. I just wanted the reload to start. Maybe I annoyed them a bit. I mean the foot of the mist hasn't been claimed yet. I should go into it. I don't have a tie set but no it's a shame right can I take this tank out I'm not very good at flying planes I used to be much better immobilized this is and this uh this is not good will it fix itself I don't think so that I'm out, it had to be, oh yeah, that's the guy, don't you try to get some personal revenge on him, boom, all the guys that were so close imagine I'm a much better opponent - air on the ground than me in the air so it's not it doesn't look good right oh and that's since kelly on the way cool sniper looking at me i need better cover really everyone is around nice double there's another tank we used and then we got extra mobility damage baby look it goes everywhere come i see it oh stop i still got killed by my little pony then he started doing 360 degrees so far around and it's just a great battlefield because it's just moving i was going from point to point around the map a lot of different fighting styles be it shotgun dude i'm a bit worried about him but i was hovering around you know it was interesting to find vehicles infantry i'm just trying to kill one hit that with the more still a better option than using my MPX I think the distance they still have I don't know I'm going to push someone out there just come close to where I can make good use of this MPX I just got burned by fire they are a bit

I can't see them, they're definitely over the mouth, it's dangerous, although I feel very slow going up those ladders now. I sort of bet this guy was low HP because I didn't have white skills there okay so it was the respawn lantern here there's a scout put it down we're getting a point now dude above me and we're going to win this wow what a game i mean its just a fantastic round barfield right there i really liked the man always fun to play firestone too good not in vr mode GG well played how did we do let's look at 44 and 11 not bad but you know that the main takeaway was we were all over the store, the kids changed, we struggled with the vehicles, we sat on the plane for a bit, but we realized we're actually terrible, but there's what you can do, but it was great, really enjoyed it. if you want to see more and see you in nexie t one


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