Generation Zero Gameplay and First Impressions

 oh [ __ ] you let hostile adam you should have caught the fireworks you showed me send me some loot i'll show you some bullets well um


oh there's an alien here guys oh my god he's got a minigun there's way more than two guys take cover what are you talking about there's literally 12 of them it's okay uh wait don't worry i'll distract him oh sleeps a lot like a freak go to church let's go to church is that we just hope god oh no we have work in front of the church I'm going to church I'm going to church and I've got some ammo now I love tight music guys get out of the church come in come in why is it sliding walking on the floor i don't know it's weird close the door quickly oh god i can't reach the doorknob tom please i got it i got it are we safe yes god will protect us here absolutely absolutely no problem here now oh plenty of ammo you seem to have quite a lot of stuff, to be honest I have a sniper scope and [__] but I mean

i think we've attracted too many robots here it's five miles whack 'em all then it's all right it's so buggy yeah it's so laggy why then why did we have to like ok oh they're all dead is dead sid oh look jack you're like crushing look at that look behind you press those flowers oh you know it's from not you hunter it's actually true do you realize it's basically just a mod for a hunter you can't even aim look he's an idiot this is the worst i mean how god knows how these mountains managed to take over okay so hunter oh no we're okay i picked it up so where do we go next to this first mission fight well you like my gas mask doesn't remind me of bf1 I like it I can't take it seriously what you're talking about it's a serious world this is a serious situation we're in already I have sick shotgun shells but I have a lot of very serious situations we came back from vacation to algae now look i don't like the look of jack's character well i like it she doesn't know she fucked bad it's her face yeah i chose the most attractive one you're talking about so jack i like yours pink leg warmers be honest do we know where this road leads to the right it leads to the farm i feel like a net you know the sink needs a fight the robots are like behind everywhere tomorrow really oh my god i got a million and i have here different kinds [ __ ] why are you shooting a robot who is a wolf take all how to express my guy in military conway castle helmet and stuff. I'm just blown away how much ammo you get everything is absolutely crazy about 500 robots here honestly i feel like if there were a little more you know they're scarce i mean let's go to the farm cut this area down just go down on hole

the point is how much will you recover roughly i mean i literally have a hundred i have plenty of ammo for a gun i dont have oh yeah i got 252 bullets for this gun though guys i just got it yeah i got it i almost died , i have 400 bullets, huge cliff, i do not recommend, huge, would you say, huge, huge, so big god, i can't get up i'm about to fall, no, let's just do everything right we did, oh this is the farm we found the fact that um why are you just eating bananas oh my god there is an attractor assimilating creature i got animated okay guys i just hit enter and it reflects the start i just said press enter to animate down enter to revive here we go this is not a camera two chests here so you livened up yeah i just pressed enter how the hell did the human race fall into the hands of these robots i think we could just send little kids and an army of little kids why do you look like ronald mcdonald c o you mean you just walk through the wall ada m

Everywhere robots that could be you too can be like me there are some flying bastards this is where here oh yeah it said he was friendly I don't think so no he's not wearing anything no has nothing oh we've alerted the dogs guys i found a bunker oh i'm taking a bunker i'm in a bunker oh i think the fireworks helped did you lose that corpse there are more spiders here then it's literally so fussy that not working safe open house okay you can't shoot locks with things what was that [__] was what happened I'm under the music finisher what did you just throw a grenade at your feet to see what happened why is there no friendly fire for guns but they are for grenades yes i am healthy ok how do i get jack back i uninstall the game here i think no we will get jack don't worry good luck why is there a chair there is a chair and a lamp under the map but why secrets maybe that was all I'm sick of this spider music I'm going to kill him, oh Bo that, yeah i think it's robots outside, isn't it fireworks still going off, i'm just trapped in a glass case of emotion, turn that music off, follow the music tag, oh my god i can't get up what if i pounce on myself grenade yes grenade oh my god what got me what uh i just got back under the map and now i have 10 health wait jack i see you are under the map you have to die then you'll go back up. I think I just died oh did you see him flare but he came to life just walking across the floor wait no wait wait wait wait wait well there must be a place we can save you I'm not here it's done what is it not like starting to
something or somewhere not good when i disconnect and reconnect i think yes but i have a suspicion it will lead you into the dark nigh miles away because i have something here that can only help us to end it all yeah if you just want to cluster around me no i dunno i don't wanna i mean that's the area you can't you can't you push me backwards you jackie can't move backwards i don't believe You, it goes in there, that's the item you can never get. Search the area for information on the evacuation. All right, search the area. boys spread why i have long arms let me check get some [ __ ] you know you just caught me oh god god no im stuck in here now

there's something there's a big chest jack i'm so annoyed you don't know what the hell it is try to figure it out good luck it's like a giant yes good luck yes try to get to it wait stop i can't move physically i can't move you just got stuck that's why okay let's go okay I'm leaving I'm leaving you can't get to it to interact with it no no no no no no no no so maybe it's not maybe it's not in beta but that's why they did it charlie roberts robots fast oh this one is locked this door just opened man what is this game oh god it's dying spider boiler 128 megabytes of ram that's a lot of ram what is our next mission commander omega wow find the bunker command center
your hair looks neon blue in this light tom that's very strange i dyed it for you ain't it no it's not a command center i don't think it's a command center without that i like it so much when swedish houses have more guns and ammo than they believe that's where the military base is, guys, here's the marker, that's the way, yeah, uh, there's a spider in me

we did it guys celebrate oh cool you got some nice dance moves tom sorry what a wow celebration celebrate the good times come on oh don't worry i'm fine i'm under the floor oh yeah i yeah join me too just dumped back on deck immediately join me under the floor I have no explosives I'm fully dead it takes a lot of work is it really not right so here's the thing imagine if it was this ammo was super rare when the robots were really scary and they weren't worms there wasn't a million robots like there was only one and you're like oh [ __ ] I only have two shotgun shells you have like five bullets maybe we need to flip his attention and yes you just understand you get a thousand bullets every time you [ __ ] drop an enemy it's just stupid doesn't it make sense if it was a little more strategic and tactical it could be quite fun but yeah , requires a little p ow where is the dialogue and also any story that can sprint at m a billion miles an hour it's just stupid it just seems like they tried tried to hit like uh here's the theme and they completely missed it because if you look on the trailer it's like yeah oh yeah the trailer is so different from the actual game you have to look around carefully and make sure you know to be careful what you're doing and [ __ ] like this oh just oh wait I'm on a mission right now


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