hello guys today i bring you brand new far cry 5 game it's damn fun. Gamepl we will be doing these two missions and I will comment live so let's see how it went now. told to come and talk to this dude here his name is hertz let's see what he's up to you're a crazy fool what did you put uh i think you're a registered voter ah never mind i need help of a different kind let's get to okay you see this steaming pile of disappointments praying it's my tenderloin fruit bruised younger dumber than the bucket of coal she takes after her mum stupid female dog went and lost my campaign truck nancy named after the greatest first lady ever ever served a beautiful country of course nancy reagan if obama tire lib loving find out i can't take care of my property i can kiss this senate run goodbye oh my god since you're on my land i'll take you i didn't kill even though it's against my rights as a red blood american gun owner i say yo you owe me numb balls get my truck back so i can focus on my campaign again okay good jr junior someone is here to help you try [__] not to do that okay let's go get to know you son then huck dropman i think his name is Hey Hook

my daddy's truck back, okay, let's dust before the old man starts shooting, get over the days. I love that this guy has a rocket launcher cut out on his back for [__] you know how busy he is, he ain't even got time to cut out [__] come on man come on in okay let's go it just got wet in one hand oh my god i'd rather go in [__]'s ear unless my daddy farted than this [__] man i've been praying for this all day man i've been asking monkey king a whole baby jesus is even in the middle of valentine's day just for him to send me a sign man they sent me you what's up I'll tell you something though man get in that truck it's not gonna be easy damn the cult is right man I'll be honest with you it all started when I was trying to join them I mean after just seemed like a good idea, i mean they had all these guns, food, nice women and i mean those three things i really care about. I mean, there seemed to be one big party, you know, so I said, I said, hey, I'm going, where do I sign up, they said sign up here, friend, then they start listing all their damn rules, man, it turns out that no adultery means [__], oh no, not booze, no, wild, nothing, partying, man, no thanks, so I pulled [__] [__] from here, man, alas, I forgot my daddy's truck, not even the real source since then i gotta get that truck but you don't have to worry about a thing dude i got a nine step plan to get in that truck man step one catch the day take a break from the party booze get it covered step second oh my god what the hell is step three [__] [__] forgot the rest but they'll come to me as soon as we go you're a good listener boba fett oh man doesn't listen at all I guess that's why he never I don't feel hurt me and him We don't get along so well since he started running for office

he insulted me horribly for everything about my public intoxication how do i handle firearms like this man but when we get his truck back from these peggies you're gonna be really impressed dude he's gonna love me a lot then my mum has to try and love me more she'll be able to compete with how much she loves me then she'll see how much she loves me then she'll try to love me even more then it's birthday and christmas come off the chain it's ridiculous but i love it okay dude this is the place cool dude get out yeah i'm leaving what are we doing here so hi mr deputy oh i just remembered step three we take them from behind like my grandpa used to do in WWII with all these foreign prostitutes look at this watchtower let's go [ __ ] [ ] up ok dude I'm fine let's see what we got then armored dude then we got some soldiers here oh man I got mean we could do it surreptitiously but i just want to see how the rocket launcher uses it if i'm honest with you can we get in here no we've already been spied on well it's time for the rocket launcher let's go fire it up yeah i really want to see it yeah nice shot dude let's go we need to get a little closer watch out for that sniper wow he has a lot of armor

okay dude now time for step four trucks actually all the way down there probably more peggy waiting for us too it all depends on the zip line man we're going zip line there sneak up on him like a ninja okay i'm going first are you going first i think he he goes first [ __ ] yeah man, oh [ __ ] stealth mode, okay [ __ ] yeah man, he's behind me, come on hulk, let's go all the way down, it could cause chafing. I think it would be a lot of chafing issues to be honest with you I saw some weird funky here [ __ ] I'm telling you my god oh what the hell dude what are you doing you just shot me this guy is here oh my god dude he just blew up it's not my fault the game is not my fault the hook just did it ok you all saw what happened it's not my fault the mission failed ok let's try again can we hook just be careful with the rocket launcher in okay don't blow it up like that thank you now this dude can be taken down silently or with a grenade I should cancel it I shouldn't have wanted a grenade there and that's what I meant throw a knife here we go goodnight ah just heard some other guys maybe we'll say here do we have everything we need racket oh don't do that don't do that oh my god he really did it this is so unnecessary here why do you have to be like this really is a big guy now oh my b oh why must you be like this try number three i'll tell you what they're gonna get, rocket, c'mon man, we just have to do it stealthily, i'll go in before it's time okay, that's how we do it huh, it just ruins everything right number one done a few guys inside we can easily get them out I guess I'm jumping it's not very quiet jack but whatever maybe we can't jump in there they are

It's so much sunnier there when there's no clouds I wonder if I can oh my god dude it's really time to stop please just stop huh perk did he kill that last guy right did right let's move before there's more oh sounds like an m60 or something okay just be careful with this please i guess i gotta get on this look at this which is funny right i'm going can i go all the way i can yes oh here go now we're talking about man about man mom trouble getting there cooler see if we have any cans of wood back please his dad will be proud of him let's see what he has to say you are dumber than a box [ __ ] look at this wait two keys in god what just happened I thought you'd be proud of me daddy i helped save your truck from the studs and all the younger ones all you prove is you can't take care [ __ ] did we do it jesus tap dance christ what did you do to make him pass you got her through the mountains, good deputy, you kept your word you know, I've been thinking a bit while you were gone, this whole Senate round is too much for me to handle alone, I need a campaign manager, and you're such a hit as i need to get my ass in the office first job i have is to take junior with me wherever you go so i don't have to hear him pray to that damn monkey king no more second time who is the king of the monkeys well let me think it over, okay. i will contact you well done prodigal son graduated nice so that was the catch. I mean he seems like a pretty cool dude okay so I guess that's the second mission I can do and there's a guy here called chad chad wolans what the hell I think he just had an accident with his grill , very strange, hey, chad, what, i can't understand him, yeah
down right so he wants me to run over some animals okay i need to get some road kills so okay i'll just check here and see if we have any loot why does he say that i don't understand
I don't get it man whatever the right antler kills in the road we'll have now
go and kill some deer probably scratching his ass does he want to say something else just cook coca stop it's easy easy yes i got it ok i'm going to see if i can find some antler kills for you ok it's a pair of antlers but he's being chased by a bear so it's a bear just took my first kill on the road i got some bad guys here too i'll take them and see if we can find more antlers something is ok right i can drive it get in this truck okay kill it on the road, we're going, where it went, it's here
oh that's our destination, here we go, there's a kill on road number one, well, jump out, didn't I kill him, are you a serious hostile bear no Leonardo Dicaprio would be proud of, hey bird, slow down, it'll be quick and painless, oh well, we got one, no, he's still up, he's still standing, are you dead, please die, you must be dead, no, it's still fine, it's just unreal, man just die please i just want your tender meat it must be dead yes it must be dead where has it gone i can't believe its not dead how many

how many times do i have to hit these things before they start what is crazy ok i'm going full throttle come on orange two now the first one is dead right i think the first one is dead please yes right ok number one done wow that was a fight i noticed another one here just gotta be nice and stealthy come on him let's go oh head to head crash there no it's not enough he's back he missed the time come elk or deer whatever you are I don't know what you want all i have to do is turn away from it i cant see it i think we have this one do this one number two let's see if it's the right kind of animal yes it's number two on the right enemy duck spotted
oh my god it's just a lonely duck swims well ok anyway i'm losing count of the missions here guys are distracted by ducks come here double kill tell me i have a boat then oh the cars are destroyed i hope i have both of them cause i don't know if there are any more around some cars well it's a sad state of affairs right i think i solved it well and here's the last one so we have to take the meat back to chad and see what he says let's see what he says though we can't understand him so i have no idea what it's going to be hey cool please screw it's okay taste country finished let's go cool you're going to set yourself on fire mate where are you going okay so unfortunately that's all I can show at the moment but it was a lot of fun these two missions are very interesting definitely cooking up a storm here but uh there should be more far away questions 5 coming very soon so watch out for these guys thanks a lot to ubisoft for sponsoring this video if you like you enjoyed it press that "Like" button below if you didn't like it subscribe if you want to see more and see you in the next one


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