KILLED BY DANCE - Fortnite Battle Royale

 this little bit here's got the Maimon going around for good I got one nuts hey blue burst I think we're clear that was mad grades was Mukti it's a noise someone's firing grenades oh so you got bandages I can't oh yeah oh now I've got pops they're clear are you in the meme there are a little fire outside there's something yeah of these are these are these I think oh my god those pots beyond yet I thank you there's still an enemy out there somewhere impossible Oh yep he's low white damage they're nice house what do it about it weird animation again on this skin when you're doing pots it's completely broken the potty boy is he yeah just like tries to strangle himself it looks like that it what Graham it the John wick strangler is it what where the [ __ ] Oh tag him in the blue can I rush him oh yeah he's blue a gun gone he's still part of me okay I mean he's like well shields gone so you forward him people see for knocking at your door oh it took the fields counts well that was certainly a bit more action-packed than usual for this place yeah there no way everyone's up to elope of it I've got a bloody made launcher I thought that was an enemy I've gone for the ninja method of playing where you just farm as much much as possible and just run that shot semi-auto shotgun the shotgun and an SMG that's the way and then simpler then simply engage in extreme close combat all times is the deviation on the rifles pisses me off in this game cambiar so unless you've got gold scars it's ripping it yeah flea burst is good as well fever still purple god scarifying the arrests are all absolutely hog [ __ ] I wonder what the ratio is between PC players and console players on this game others yeah I mean you can just like way more console the a recognizable console I saw someone streaming on peer doing ps4 over mouse and keyboard and he is just murdering everyone like you dropped a lid and just run around and get like 12 kills literally and because people are like two sat in the corners yeah they don't know what to do oh god yeah they just sat in the corners of buildings just like with them acts out doing that like it's just kids doing it like going it's smack Matty I think that's a youtube series here bombing folder for having kids there's a blue pistola here


hey what's that hey hey going outside chrome for I've been sniped a solid I'm not sure where from I'll be I'm here Silas a guy might want yeah there's one just on the edge of the gas beneath me we're good we're good and then it there's one more is that okay pretty sure I look at that mmm I hear he's by me yeah yeah in the gasps a gobbler I don't know where his friend is I need some ice okay all right I'm gonna gobble this gasps life I'll get some slaves of him yeah that's life that's all it is I'm looking for the other guy I can't sing oh yeah see why actually it's just on a grenade at me from the southwest beyond the rock see this rock going that yeah I'm gonna throw up hello see you maybe be on that crate actually yeah it's behind the tree I'm gonna find quite a bit is blaze Bray is this good is that you really are feeling old switcheroonie your description clicks quite way to run transcending after our Spears do find another is and it's a venir i plumber mum i'm blow be yeah i can give you some about 200 I need every day that much I need up I'll take those minutes why not Oh actually no I don't need that hunting rifle did you ever watch that TSN mythic I play you say he's insane with it I've seen clips where like it's been dead on people I swear it still bugged or some [ __ ] like people have submitted clips with like their aim is dead on them and like slowed it down to no point one it's dead on them fires and it just goes way above their head just up to the northeast now what's your idea observing them and check if there's any layer here that's not hate him once through all his shields gone it's not to show that I just pop it pop peeking me I'm gonna push in easy push on these guys you want yeah Oh both of the most Snipes heavy Tom that song on the Left Shayna yeah Robert yeah where is easy in the bill read from there no nose is knocked on very low there got me Tom Oh God nice job a bouncy boy purple scar here no if you want that song we have to go again of med get here Jack okay 

don't look it up there I can be up there alright oh yeah up there alright he's up there having a good old time I've got so much erm ago I could reckon I could knock it down I'll help bouncing yeah cm8 what's a guy in there brick building to the right as oh I doubt she buy though I better come Oh with his obsessions pushed to us on the left here we should just got distillate we should go up here tsunami but that him jack he's just mints to be there okay yeah he's a good shot and he's still shooting me oh yeah I see how it is ranae's reaching there no not at all oh I've got a shield up for that rocket ok I was lucky I don't trees in the way I 'm gonna get rid of it there we go now consume shoot it shoot it down yeah in the bush no they just got Davey a cover there what do they I mean I can see directly over it from here they're not they're just strange both of them lined up with a comedy fashion Wow drop right next to a song I'm gonna go for it oh my god those Rockets London clothes smoke s getting this drop I need out if there's something chill Tom and get the shield I'm sana pinned down by this guy I'm gonna find come Tom sick of it tell me when I'm in love with him oh it's still sniping at me gonna say he's just worried I know this to you this - he's moving he's moving towards he not nice the last guy was the other guy was you getting shot from the right yeah yeah every night seeing a sniping I need to get out of here I see coming to you is that she'll still down but little drop what have you got it no I'm still there at the drop over time don't put all this baking soda now there's a guy up to my riot to the north yeah let's go swallow I know where this guy's friend was some concern Oh what no idea what I was from I um I don't know what those did could you get to me I'm trying to see the guy oh he's something but he's he's on the top of the hill he's on the very top of the hill here is there you go [ __ ] hunter his name is Jack really risk as two guys up there yep c lassic and then there's one world guy behind you somewhere I'm not sure where that's the right they fighting each other one will get this up right here Colby hot Kobe action

Kobayashi Maru how many splatters you got - Oh someone's just fell he just fell into him can you knock himself out no it's someone felons in there yeah Oh see you bud I think it's a Gus guy there was he doing must be there the yellow is in the gas no I think he's just here get up the high ground back one bullet than you one edge start and you're gone are you sure sir I swear there was another guy hiding still from the other breed behind you somewhere I don't know kept it and that's just behind that brick right I can't see him maybe it's just got no health right explode behind a wall I guess I've gone to hammer left could be in my little thing I built now he's not there unless he's behind that tiny metal wall on the edge where else could he be that tree that tiny metal wall just zoom in sever look yeah he said okay he was actually behind the tiny mail boy I don't reckon he's got myself Oh step no dope or Jack no Gunter can't believe Cochran's has done this I was dancing and with the default dance he's not even paid for a good one he's like 1 hp or something no uh-huh oh yeah I may be I mean really low come in I'm NATIVE him how you like me like that is explosive I'll see you guys up there two guys oh yeah okay Oh 50 I build up a bit all right he's very low that one just to they don't care for I'm not gonna push all the way in grenade life is that always right pathetic oh he's burning up to me hello Jim was at the back left the under building I'm going around it's a good open to know that hunting rifle if you just want to not shield off let's see more crazy like movement-based memes in this I like the jump pad and the got shot Renee whoever it is well that bloody the jet boy yeah the jet pack thinking that's gonna be Matt I think a hoverboard could be in as well that's yo that's the problem yeah the jet pack presumably is an item that you have to have and you're off by then which takes up a slot I'm not yeah like a one use thing I don't know oh wait oh to the west to 8/5 behind the factory you're now that bit further along just well leave by five behind the factory yeah oh yeah I don't see what they don't know I think they went behind that gray garage that little grey garage the Gray Goose I think he's closer than I think he's actually on the next building behind it if I start 

dancing to see if he peeks yeah that was a bad idea at least you know where he is let's go on the left building up to you Tom on your left clothes on you I think I find each other I think sit nice well so I was just a bait thanks for dancing making it a bit more interesting for everyone like his second that dress flying you just slimy in the mouth do snipers beams this is not good this Halon I just absolutely minced right them okay right I can help he's push no no got I've gotten distracted if you want to go push in on the back further back roof now I see let's go this is this may feel a little behind you badass sniper here at the front find a truck hey no fair of the guys in the middle one underneath us now he's on the roof with me down under he's gone down just missed his shot don't see all of it I don't see him time I'm hauling him off I might be out on the roof again and he was just in between could it be inside maybe what the trap boy on the corner so you can't go around this side oh it's him I think he's inside or in between them still we've got to move the gas not like this what's he doing he's gonna die in the
storm he'd rather die in the storm okay cool great plan that's a man with a plan nice I will die in this store but but I thought you just gone not quite far away down north heebies finest on northeast oh yeah in front of me not nice and that you see their ramps to the north yes where the other guys not and a push add some medicine get a gold star boy thanks I yeah that's these guys in front of me I'm pushing around from the side where's he gone Wow God met you got meds everything now I've got a cozy camp I've don't think it's called that how do you switch between them again pick flosser I can just right click and then cycle through them thank you three seconds you kidding me twice alright we'll be here a bit it's here there's some Sheldon's there is o no you've already got ya got four I think do I was a the best in this game I mean pop J there's a law we're building here northeast I wonder attention and you made enough noise there's any one guy left that I mean the fire ninja stabbed on it quickly three jellies at one damn it I'm taking a bite right now


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